Book of the Month: Interview with Self Help Author Maryann Da Silva

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Author Maryann Da Silva new release “Coping with the Ordinary and Making Life Extraordinary: 12 Pathways to a Happier Life“provides us with the answers to life’s questions. Questions like what does everyone want? How can we be happy and to feel good about our-self? . Why is it that in today’s society that dream is so hard to achieve? copingwiththe-ordinaryMaryann demonstrates that you can develop a higher self-esteem and bring happiness into your life. As a registered social worker, Maryann has worked with victims of domestic violence and parents and children facing challenges such as depression, anxiety, grief and bereavement and financial pressures. Not only has she walked along side individuals searching for happiness and self-esteem but has struggled with it herself.

Yvonne Wu: Thanks for this interview Maryann. Can we begin by having you tell us why do so many people struggle with self-esteem and happiness?

MS: That’s a good question. I think that in society there is a lot of pressure to get ahead, to have a lot, be successful, to do a lot and to be happy as well; but people’s definition of happiness may be quite different. What brings joy to one person might not to the next. Life can get so rushed and busy that it’s hard to take time out for ourselves to reflect on what we truly want and how to get there.

YW: Why do we need a bucket list?

MS: We don’t need a bucket list, but having one gives us time to focus on ourselves and what we want out of life. It focuses on the future, how important it is to look to the future with hope and enthusiasm.

YW: What is the most important message readers will get from reading your book?

MS: Readers will know that they are not alone in how they feel. If they don’t think that they can do certain things, there are many ideas of what they could do to improve their mood and situation. It gives them resources if they want to do further reading. Hopefully, it will spark a passion about life and living an extraordinary life towards happiness.

YW: How does this story resonate with women and men?

MS: Everyone wants to be happy and to feel good about herself or himself , women and men. This book outlines some very practical strategies and ideas that anyone can start trying any time. I write it in such a way that my personality and life comes across. I don’t consider myself an expert in happiness, but as someone who struggles and has challenges with it, just like everybody else; women and men.

YW: Can you tell us where we can find you and your book on the web?

MS: To purchase my book, one can go online to