Learn How to Get Money For College! Book Review of The College Money Pro

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About The Book Get More Money for College

The Cost of a College Education Has Recently Surpassed the Price of an Average Home in the USA. Student & Parent College Debt Has Surpassed One Trillion Dollars.

Families with children planning to attend college are desperate for information that can truly help them reduce the cost of a college education for their kids. As a parent who’s gone through the process with my lovely daughter, I was unable to get the real information that would provide a step by step guide to walk me through the complicated maze of financial aid, scholarships, college admissions and strategies to fund college. Nine years later, I’m recognized as an expert in this field. I decided to write this book to help parents who are in the same situation as I was.

Benefits include:

  1. Less confusion on the college process
  2. Peace of mind, less stress
  3. Graduate with minimum student & parent loan debtGet More Money For College
  4. More money in your pocket, not the college’s pocket!
  5. Less financial strain on your budget

Knowing this information is like having a flashlight in a dark cave while all the other families stumble around in the dark.

For a free copy of the book, go to

About The Author

Dan Evertsz is the Founder of College Money Pros http://www.collegemoneypros.com and former CEO of Bay College Planning. in the San Francisco Bay Area.

He has taught this course for many organizations across the country.
Dan is considered one of the premier experts in the admissions, financial aid and college-funding arena.

Dan leads college funding Workshops and Seminars. These are carefully designed to create a true understanding of the college funding process. Dan serves as a volunteer for many youth organizations in his local area and his church.

My Thoughts

Whether your child is planning to go to College or University one thing is true it is very costly. My personal experience indicates that education can cost 10,000 to 25, 000 a year. It helps to start saving and stay informed while your child is young.

The book is very organized and easy to read. The books starts each chapter with a brief breakdown of each chapter and provides key points to each chapter. The author mentions misconceptions, what the public believes to be true and what is a reality in a very clear format. As well I felt that this book covered international boundaries and can benefit a parent no matter where they live or what stage they are at in the saving for higher education.

For example knowing how to properly set up your finances, these tips are universal. Mishandling this process could lead to a loss of thousands of dollars in financial aid.
Real life examples are given, he provides information on what the couple did right in their higher education planning and what they missed.

The author talks about a 529 prepaid tuition plan in detail, the advantages and disadvantages. The tax breaks listed are US based. Many countries have similar tax breaks.

Why you should apply to at least six universities. The reason may surprise you. When planning my son’s education this was an important part of the process.

The book is based on the author’s real life experience as a parent, as well as the author’s experience working in the financial services field as a financial aid expert.