Learn 8 Things you Need to Know Before You Step onto The Speaker’s Platform Kindle Countdown Event Sale (.99 CENTS). New Release “Preparing to Speak”

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A book for Emerging and Seasoned Women Speakers

Learn 8 Things you Need to Know Before You Step onto The Speaker’s Platform Kindle Countdown Event Sale. New Release “Preparing to Speak”

The most successful female speakers agree that preparation is one of the major contributors to building confidence and increasing effectiveness as a public speaker.
Find your Voice, Stand with Confidence, Speak with Clarity … & Impact.

This book will be available on sale (.99 CENTS) for the first time as an ebook. You are invited to download your copy on Amazon.com on MAY 29, MONDAY, (from 12am 05/29-11:59pm).

Written by Lisa Vanderkwaak, a professional speaker, and certified executive speaking coach, is internationally recognized as a powerful catalyst for shifts in communication effectiveness and personal transformation. Through her Speak to Transform ™ bootcamps and online training programs SEE MORE



Pass this information on. This is a great book for Ceo’s, Managers, Students, Entrepreneurs, Executives, Board members, Meeting Facilitators, Speakers and more.