Haunted Halloween Spooktacular Giveaway

Editorial Staff By Editorial Staff474 views


*Win This Halloween*


$15 Amazon Gift Card from Tena Stetler

$5.00 Amazon Gift Card PLUS an e-copy of a backlist book from Susan Mac Nicol

A signed copy of Alpha’s Revenge (USA only) from Catherine Stine

$20 Amazon GiftCard from S Peters Davis

$20 USD, Amazon.com US e-gift card from Celia Breslin

Signed copy of Small Bit of Justice plus a novella from the séance series, Missing Locket from Cynthia Carver

Amazon Gift Card from Kim Richards

1 ‘Midlife in Mosswood eBook pack including a copy of New Witch on the Block (book 1) and Jealousy’s a Witch (book 2) from Lousia West

1 Collector’s edition of By Moonlight over-sized paperback which includes complete copies of the first three books in the “By Moonlight” series: Masked by Moonlight, Chased by Moonlight, and Captured by Moonlight. Personally signed for winner from Nancy Gideon

Direct link to giveaway