Business of the Month: Interview with Eric Taylor Creater of What’s Jumpin App

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The Interview

Introduce yourself to our readers and talk a little bit about your role in the development of the What’s Jumpin App?

My name is Eric Taylor, I am the brains behind the concept and design of the app. However, all the development and technically aspects of the What’s Jumpin App goes to Sharp web studio, we’ve be working together on this 975022_10200118578271511_223758031_n-1idea for months now. I had a vision for an app and found someone who could make this specific dream and reality.

So what’s the basic purpose of the “What’s Jumpin” App?

So the basic concept of the What’s Jumpin App is to give anyone, regardless of their wealth or media connection, the ability to promote their events/functions for free.

So who do you see benefiting from this app?

I know saying that everyone would benefit from this app would be considered not accurate. But if you think about everyone who has the need to promote any event or function stands the chance to benefit from this app. I’ve done focus groups with women and found that alot of women would use this app, to promote things like bakesales, yardsales, and other community events. One woman actually said she would use the to promote her kids events, since you have the ability to send invites to all your friends.

Where did you get the idea for the App?

Actually, I got the idea from Facebook. You know have you get all kinds of invites for events for partys and events but never really look at them?

Well I thought this would be a better solution. Also, for those Friday nights where you don’t have anything going on, its the best solution to find out whats going on in town and see if any of your friends attending.

What function do you see as being the distinguishing factor between you and your competitors.

The best feature I see is that the app, allows you the ability to sell tickets or V.I.P Passes to your event via the app. All you need is a Paypal account to get your payments and all you need is a credit/debit to buy a ticket or a Paypal account.

What advice will you give that you have learned along to the way?

What I have learnt thus far is that we all have the ability to make a dream a reality, faith is important but unless you take the intial step it will always be a dreams of yours.

When will the app be ready to download? And where would my readers find more info on it?

The app will be ready in 2 weeks, we are awaiting the approval from Apple at this moment. You can stay updated on the process on our facebook page. or until the page is up and functional