Book Review:‘The Frugal Book Promoter – 3rd Edition:’ by Carolyn Howard-Johnson

About the Book The Frugal Book Promoter
This book is for authors who want their books to soar and do not want their careers to languish. It is structured so authors can select chapters that address aspects of their marketing plan most needed at any given time. The Index also makes it easy for authors like you to find tips for different kinds of promotions as you need them.
The beginning of the book provides answers to common objections voiced by authors when they first consider publishing and marketing their book. The author answers each objection by providing the features and benefits in spending money on marketing. The author emphasized the importance of branding before the book is published. Carolyn Howard Johnson talks about whether to hire a publicist. She provides the reader with her years of wisdom. Since she herself has been a publicist. She provides the reader with direction on what they should look for when choosing and considering a publicist and most importantly lets the author know what they need to provide and contribute because working with a publicist is a two way street. In section 11 we learn about the
The five P ‘s and how they imperative for a successful marketing campaign. The importance of author participation, perseverance is emphasized and branding. The author also provides what type of newsworthy stories a published author could pitch that would interest the local newspaper. Creating pitches, query letters, media kits and activity suggestions you can use when sending out a press release. Advertising vs publicity become a hot topic and the author talks about in depth different kinds of advertising using old and new media. The book is full of resources and sample query letters in the appendices section of the book.
The Frugal Book Promoter assures your book gets the best possible start in life, whether your publisher assigns zero dollars or thousands to your book’s marketing campaign. A former publicist, the author provides no-nonsense basics to build the essentials you need to build a time-saving social media campaign and knock’em dead lists of influencers that will be more effective than anything you could buy. Pick and choose from dozens of ideas for promotions that she developed or refined through extensive (and award-winning) book campaigns of her own. Several will match your pocketbook and personality.
Book Details
Paperback: 342 pages
Publisher: Modern History Press;s
ISBN-13: 978-1615994694
Purchase on Amazon:
My Thoughts
Wow this book is a treasure chest of knowledge and ideas. This powerful resource is a collector’s item! The book provides you with up to date solid advice and direction as you navigate through the different ways to promote your book and prepare for your book launch.
New authors will love the book, the conversational style, the humorous quotes and the fact that it begins with explaining book promotion in simple steps. Every objection that a new author would have is mentioned and Carolyn Howard-Johnson provides solutions. Throughout the book she goes through what would be in a authors marketing plan. She provides the reader with explanation to the essential components of a marketing plan. She talks about branding, public relations, media kits, attracting media attention and more.
I myself have been providing book promotion services for 10 years and I learnt a lot about public relations after reading this book. I like that Carolyn Howard Johnson warns the author of marketing scams and lets the author know that free book promotion is not necessarily free you get what you pay for.
The target market for this book is both self-published authors and published authors. As well she targets the new author who may not have any marketing- or journalism-related experience. She provides information on how to market yourself to a Publisher or Agent. Many chapters have funny phrases that answers new and seasoned authors marketing objections. The index provides easy reference and the book is full of free resources and excellent examples. This book will save you time and money!