Moving On: 5 Logistical Tips for Separation or Divorce

It is inevitable that some relationships will end in break-up or divorce. While people try hard to stay together, the simple truth is that not every relationship is a match made in heaven. However, a break-up or divorce can sometimes be the only healthy thing left to do. What ends up being left is how to deal with the big move that is coming for one or both parties involved. Here are some ideas that will help both parties move forward with the moving out phase of the process.
Finding a New Home
If a break-up or divorce means that you will have to relocate to a new home, it is perhaps a good idea to start looking for a new place earlier in the process, rather than later. The last thing you want to be stuck
with is a lot of possessions to move and no place to move them to. This lingering problem, if not remedied fast, will turn a move into a disaster quickly.
One way to leave your relocation options open, after a major break-up or divorce, is to plan to move all your belongings to a storage unit. This way, you can temporarily park your belongings in a safe place for as long as you need while working out your permanent living arrangements. Additionally, a storage unit would not cost nearly as much as say a new apartment. This is a great way to save money if you are going to be crashing at a friend’s house for a while until you can get things back to normal.
Separating the Possessions
Perhaps the most difficult part of separating comes down to deciding who gets what possessions. Each individual will have possessions that clearly belong to him or her exclusively, but a lot of items left behind in a broken relationship belong to both parties involved. One way to iron this problem out is to list all these items and let each person put an initial beside the items they desire to walk away from the relationship with.
This way, the only items left in dispute are the ones that both parties initialize. If neither party can concede a particular item to the other, then it would perhaps be best that neither party gained possession of that item, helping to make the separation easier. A couple ways to quickly dispense with items under dispute or that you want to simply get rid of is to give the items to someone in need, donate them to an organization or hold a garage sale.
Once it is clear who gets to walk away with which possessions, the next step is for you to start packing. You will need to be sure to have boxes, tape and any

supplies you need to preserve delicate items. When packing up your belongings, it is sometimes best to ask yourself what items you can live without to make your move easier. Lots of times tossing out unnecessary items can help to make for lighter loads and a quicker departure overall.
Moving Your Stuff
Now that you have everything organized, packed and you know where you want to move it to, the final step is how to actually move it. If you have a car, then moving all your belongings yourself is certainly an option. However, moving it all yourself can take a lot of time, forcing you to stick around longer than you might like. That may not be desirable given the circumstances. One way around this problem is to hire a moving company like Wheaton World Wide Moving to move all your stuff for you in a quick, efficient manner.
With your break-up or divorce final and your belongings moved out, it is time to start thinking about how to move forward with your life. Instead of sitting around being sad over what cannot be, it is important that you look to the future with a positive attitude and a willingness to try new things. This is your opportunity for a fresh new start and to experience the freedom of what it means to be solely in control of your life and decisions all over again. Use this time wisely to make your next move a good one.
Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls and wife to a wonderful husband.