Mothers Celebration: Gifts for the New Baby

Editorial Staff By Editorial Staff493 views


Giving birth to your first baby marks a new beginning. With Easter on its way and Mother’s Day fast approaching. Finding that special gift for the Mother to be can be daunting.

More and more mothers are waiting till birth to find out the sex of their baby. Parents now are granted with longer maturity leaves and mothers are embracing parenthood at a later age.

Some great gifts for the baby and mother to be are

  • Infant clothing that is not blue or pink
  • Diaper bags and a full supply of diapers
  • Brightly colored Infant toys and baby strollers
  • Bibs, night lights and formula
  • CD player and moving lights
  • Baby shoes
  • Photo frames and photo album
  • Gift cards
  • Baby Blankets and washcloths
  • Stuff animals and puppets
  • Baby oil and baby lotion
  • iPhone Apps and CD’s that play music
  • Toys that play music
  • Baby bath and water toys
  • Baby seats
  • Bed rails and monitors
  • Infant carriers and stroller accessories

During this time the attention needs to be lavished on mom and baby. Massage gift certificates for a mother and baby makes both mom and baby bond and feel special. Baby jewelry and a matching necklace for mom will be remembered by both mom and child for years to come. Books that talk about the difficulties of raising a child. Flowers and chocolate are an old tradition but always make mom feel special during this treasured moment.

Toys “R” Us and Babies “R” offers a wide assortment of baby items that can be ordered online and in person. Products for the baby shower, christenings, birthdays, holidays, hospital visitation and to give right after the baby is born. Shopping online means that you can live a distance away and still be part of that special moment that you share with your friend or loved one. The baby item ordered will be delivered to the Mom’s address. offers coupon codes so that when you order online you can save. Anything from Toys R Us coupons to coupon codes for babies r us toys. The site has coupons from all the top stores including coupons for Babies R Us. There is no need to cut and save coupons that come in the mail. Order from your computer or mobile phone. Frugal Dad has been featured on many magazines and newspapers such as New York Times, Tree Huger, Mashable, The New Yorker, Business Week and Business Insider.

Photo Credit: @pixabay/Pexels