Author Interview – Gahan Hanmer “The Kingdom on the Edge of Reality”

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Gahan Hanmer is the author of “The Kingdom on the Edge of Reality.” Gahan shares with his readers the story behind his writing.

Gahan Hanmer was born into a family of actors and painters. As a youth, he received satisfaction and appreciation from the work he did on the stage, which began when he was eight years old. Under the guidance of his uncle actor Marlon Brando, Gahan developed his talent exclusively as a theater artist, working with many inspired teachers and directors.

Gahan was on a quest to find his true path; he found himself searching and became a wanderer. He found himself working on and off in the classical theater and supported himself with various odd jobs.  Trained in the Stanislavski ‘method’, living truly in the Gahan Hanmerskins and minds of these characters, he absorbed what each of them had to teach him.

Later in life, when he had outgrown his need for the world of the theater and began living a more normal life, he began to try to organize some of what life had taught him in a novel of romance and adventure. Every night, after his two daughters were in bed, he became the main character in a perilous mythical journey and recorded it as it unfolded in his imagination. Years later, rewritten and revised many times and finally pruned and polished, the result was The Kingdom on the Edge of Reality.

You can visit his website at

The Interview

Q –Are you a monarchist? Do you think that would solve our problems?

My novel is about a benevolent monarchy but it wouldn’t have been benevolent for long if the character Duke Hawke had his way. Then it would have been a tyranny ruled by a twisted bully. In history, good kings almost invariably left their kingdoms to spoiled brats. History also shows us that any form of government soon becomes corrupt as aggressive and greedy people connive to use the government to acquire wealth and power. The world was never designed to be a paradise, but rather as a kaleidoscopic, ever-changing drama of infinite possibilities. Paradoxically, the triumph of light over darkness is of the highest importance and the actions of every individual play an important part in that struggle. The Kingdom on the Edge of Reality isn’t about the triumph of a hero over a villain, but about the complicated, mysterious triumph of light over darkness.

Q –What is the meaning of the title of your book?

People tend to think that reality is the boundaries they live in and they feel they are stuck within these boundaries.  These boundaries sometimes can be out of control, full of violence, pollution and corruption.  Albert Keane wanted to create a little kingdom in the wilderness of Canada that had none of these things, and to a large extent he succeeded. What the title of The Kingdom on the Edge of Reality is suggesting is that we need to examine closely what we may think we are stuck with because other alternatives really do exist. There is lots of room out there for the creation of a newer better community and the location can exist anywhere.

Q –Are you a swordsman?

I fenced a bit as a boy and briefly in college but I am not a competitive fencer. However, I am an exceptional stage duelist and stage dueling teacher, having been trained by Rod Colbin, an actor and Olympic fencer, who developed a system for creating a frighteningly realistic stage duel with no danger to the actors. A stage duel in the Rod Colbin system is a combination of sleight of hand where things are not what they seem to be, and also good acting.

Q –Describe your book in 4 words.

Medieval times meets modern times.

Q – How can we purchase your book?

I would gladly answer any questions related to The Kingdom on the Edge of Reality. You can contact me on my website

The Kingdom on the Edge of Reality is available at: Amazon, My Book Orders,, Barnes & Noble, Kobo,and other retailers.