What Does the Typical Divorce Cost?

Editorial Staff By Editorial Staff476 views

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Although death is considered to be the final stage of a person’s life,
some people get through another form of death that they have to endure for
a longer period of time — divorce.

Divorce is not the end of someone’s life but an end of a marital
relationship. Marriage is for people who wanted to be with each other
until their last breath. Unfortunately, for some couples it just does not
work that way. On the other hand, divorce is already becoming a huge
business in the United States and why is this so? Read further and you
will have an idea how much a divorce will cost you financially, aside from
the heartaches and the headaches.

Attorney’s Fees

If your divorce will most likely turn out to be something that is
contentious, you will badly need the help of an attorney. An attorney
will help ensure that all the assets, alimony, and child support are dealt
with accordingly with all fairness. But, if your entering into a kind of
divorce that is uncontested which also means that you already have worked
out all the important terms and aspects in your marriage with your spouse,
then an attorney will only be there to help ensure that everything is
addressed and all the other crucial aspects of your marriage have been
tackled and dealt with properly. If you want to know how much an attorney
will cost you, here is the rule of the thumb…

The more complicated your divorce is going to be; the more expensive it
will be for both of you. Some attorneys request for fees based on an
hourly rate which may range between $100 and $450. However, you would be
lucky if you can find the best attorney that only costs $75 per hour. Do
not forget the lawyer’s upfront retainer fee which may cost $500 up to

DIY Divorce Kits

When wanting to have a divorce, keep in mind that there is no law which
states that you really have to hire an attorney. This goes to say that if
you do not want to hire an attorney, you may just opt for a divorce kit.
However, you and your spouse should be rational and fair enough to come up
with an agreement with regard to who will get what.

This DIY or do-it-yourself kit is ideal for divorcing couples who have no
children and perhaps no huge assets to argue about. These DIY divorce kits
may cost you approximately between $25 or $70. The kit will already
include legal forms which will allow both of you to fill out in order to
specify some changes such as name change, alimony, some details on your
real estate and other personal properties. After filling out these legal
documents, both of you will then be required to make an appearance in the
court and explain before the judge your reasons for the divorce. The
divorce will only become final and legal once the judge decides to sign
all the necessary documents.

Other Fees

Divorce costs certainly do not just end up in attorney’s fees. You must
also be prepared to pay for initial court filing fee, subpoenas and
process serving charges. A lot of lawyers will also ask for payments
involved in photocopying and faxing the documents, phone calls and travel

As you can see, the costs are going to be all over the place based on the
complexity of the divorce. If you and your spouse are able to agree
before going to a court, the costs are going to be a lot lower. However,
if the case is going to be complicated, you could potentially be out
thousands of dollars.

Inez is from the website HowMuchIsIt.org. Here, you can find more than 3,000
guides that help the average consumer find out professional services,
electronics, surgeries and more cost.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_tweetmeme][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_facebook][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_pinterest][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row]